Bridal Boudoir – An Emerging Trend Your wedding day is a very special day. It should be one of those once in a lifetime experiences. (more…)
Boudoir is not porn. The purpose of porn is to show the female body for the sexual gratification of the viewer. Boudoir is about empowering the subject, not the viewer. Boudoir photography, when done correctly, will show how beautiful and amazing the subject is without making her (or him) feel degraded or trashy.
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Miss Spencer is a total mermaid queen in this series. We had so much fun photographing a themed boudoir session–it’s rare that we get to (more…)
Sexy Lingerie Haul: Valentine’s Day Edition

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and if you still haven’t figured out what you are going to do, we’ve got some seriously sexy ideas for (more…)
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Let’s Go Au Naturale

Getting that perfect natural makeup look is not as hard as you might think, and it’s a great look for your boudoir session. It’s even (more…)
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There’s Just Something About a Lady In Red

There are no words…just spend some time soaking this in <3 (more…)
A Woman Can Never Have Too Many…Shoes, That Is

Oh for the love of shoes! They make or break an outfit, let’s be honest. You could have the best outfit EVER and have the (more…)
Red Hot!

Valentine’s day is just around the corner, so we thought we’d give you some red hots while we wait! Alexandra is gorgeous as ever, and (more…)