Why a Wedding Vision Board

Bakersfield Wedding SignA vision board is an excellent tool you can use to motivate and inspire yourself daily. It promotes clarity, determination, and a positive spirit — all of which are a necessity to reach life goals. A vision board should embody a specific goal. They are representative of your desires to reach that goal, your steps to get there and the purpose of your goal. Vision boards are meant to encourage you during your journey towards an objective.

This is especially helpful for when life throws curve-balls and distractions. By returning to your vision board, it will help reinforce and reignite your willpower as well as keep you dedicated to everything you are aiming for.

Kelsey_Trevor_006-EditVision boards can be used for wedding ideas and planning, fitness goals, designing your dream house, vacation and travel plans, preparing for a baby and so much more. The possibilities are endless, just as your dreams are limitless. Vision boards are just a means for solidifying what you want so that you can make it all happen, like your wedding.

Websites and apps like Pinterest are designed to help you create digital vision boards. They also offer ideas from an enormous and diverse group of users. Pinterest can give you a marketplace of ideas for just about anything you can think of. It’s as simple as pinning an idea to a board and then going back to it to use the idea for yourself for the occasion of your choosing.

Using a physical vision board is effective as well. It’s best to use a combination of the two, especially if you are a visual person who likes daily affirmation. Your vision board should be a virtual replica of your Pinterest board, and it should be placed in your room or a place where you can see it every single day. The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do.” By looking to your vision board consistently and constantly, you are reminded of your goals and what you need to do to reach them.

A wedding vision board can help your organize your ideas (before you forget them), and help you finalize every little and last wedding detail. When planning for such a monumental (and stressful) day, you’ll want all the help you can get in staying organized and prepared.

Lastly, using a vision board to plan your wedding will help you focus in on a style you want. This will help create a consistent look and feel for your event. Choosing a contemporary modern style may clash with a vintage rustic venue.

If you would like to know more, keep reading at How to Make a Wedding Vision Board.

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Bakersfield House of Flowers

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